In a creative pickle?

Call Krickel!

I’ll give you all the creative juices you need to take the heat off of your next advertising or design challenge, and leave you feeling as cool as a cucumber. An award-winning creative thinker with the skills to conceptualize, direct, design and execute creative marketing programs across a wide range of media, blah, blah, blah.

Art Direction/Illustration
Concepts and Comps

Crisp creative concepts and sweet art direction

Art director, copywriter, designer,
illustrator and production artist.
All rolled into one.

Ever wish you had access to that highly polished, well rounded creative person who could do it all, wall-to-wall? Well, now you can stop wishing and start beating a path to my website There you’ll see creative advertising and design samples of projects I’ve done for other plush clients like 3M, Dollar Rent A Car, Kia Motors, Edwards Life Sciences and Yamaha. Find out how a few extra yards of creativity can beautify your traditional or online advertising space. Just track me down at or 949-394-0964, and don't forget to wipe your feet!